How Gather Automates Space Access with OfficeRnD and Kisi





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    United States Virgina

The Story

Gather is a flexible coworking brand with 7 locations in Virginia, offering both private offices and workspaces. Having over 2,800 members and securing 55 over doors with Kisi, Gather has adopted the Kisi & OfficeRnD integration to automate their admin work, provide better member experiences and streamline their workload. 

We spoke with James Crenshaw, CMO and Founder, and Susanna Raber, Community Manager, to learn about their innovative approach to access control that prioritizes member experience. 

Thanks to Kisi and OfficeRnD, Gather has built a stronger and more dynamic community and more time can be spent focusing on members.

OfficeRnD & Kisi streamline operations so more time can be spent on members


At Gather, Community managers are responsible not only for creating an engaging environment for guests but also to ensure that the spaces the community uses stay safe and private. “Members don’t understand how much work is involved in running our space,” says James Crenshaw. Community managers at Gather must balance a hospitality approach while maintaining a top notch workspace experience. 

“We have been trying to shift more and more of our technology to integrate with OfficeRnD to cut down on admin work for our team so that there are less steps involved in running our space. By integrating the platforms it saves our team from having to go set up a member in two different softwares. With over 2,800 members that is a lot of people to try to keep up to date in two different systems and if our team is behind the computer doing too much data entry, then it’s just not gonna work. The integration with OfficeRnD and Kisi saves us so much time.” 

Now, staff can use their time to focus on creative ideas that directly promote growth and support community safety instead of spending hours behind a computer configuring memberships and access. 

  • When you do something of this scale, you expect headaches to appear. The Kisi and OfficeRnD teams were very proactive and engaged in making sure the setup went well. We had a great rollout!

    CleanShot 2023-06-05 at 13.03.03@2x
    James Crenshaw
    CEO & Cofounder

The Kisi integration with OfficeRnD helps operators manage flexible memberships easier

Gather needed to offer flexible membership options to their community to better streamline access through all hours of the day. OfficeRnD allows operators to easily connect membership plans to access control permissions so that different levels of access are automatically granted based on membership type. 

“Some of our members prefer a month-to-month membership, others like to come just for the day, and others plan to come after hours. We wouldn’t be able to offer our space 24/7 if we didn’t use a reliable and secure access control system like Kisi”, says Susanna Raber. 

Having the ability to keep their spaces operational and secure for longer periods of time is a huge benefit to Gather. This attracts more members and builds community through flexibility and user experience. This, in turn, unlocks the possibility of offering perks and benefits through various membership permissions and prices – all through the OfficeRnD access control interface.


Reliable space management and access control 

“In terms of security, it helps that we have an integration because when a membership is no longer active, we don’t have to manually remove members from our door access system,” says Susanna Raber. 

The integration between Kisi and OfficeRnD has been a big win for Gather as it increases the level of monitoring, security, and convenience of members. 


An operator recommended system made for scalable communities

Access control has been a selling feature for our members. It is one of the biggest points that we touch on because it is a big deal that people have a secure and safe building, one where they are able to enter when it’s not staffed. I suggest more coworking spaces go this route,” affirms James Crenshaw. 

Deploying an integrated system such as Kisi and OfficeRnD is a win for members and operators. Members enjoy the space management system implemented at Gather and continue to trust their access will work across locations.  


Deploying the OfficeRnD <> Kisi integration

Regarding the deployment experience, Gather’s CEO said, “When you do something of this scale, you expect headaches to appear. The Kisi and OfficeRnD teams were very proactive and engaged in making sure it went well. We had a great rollout, and we recommend other groups thinking about it to put thought and effort into transitioning processes like this one.”

Gather discovered that access control could also improve after-hours and weekend access for maintenance, IT improvements, and technician work. With remote access, the team could unlock doors from anywhere, which allows everyone to do their work in comfort. 

Gather stated, “Being able to unlock doors via Bluetooth has also been a wow factor for members. To be able to scale seamlessly alongside OfficeRnD and Kisi has been a priority.” The integration allows them to continue to brand themselves as a flexible and innovative space. 

Gather is excited to continue growing and scaling with their current technology and access solutions, “We’re definitely growing and can’t wait to see Kisi and OfficeRnD grow with us!”

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