Today is a great day for OfficeRnD.

It’s been an incredible journey. From the early days with a handful of employees, to a true global presence with 150+ team members worldwide, I am humbled and honored to be a part of the growth and vision of this amazing company.

officernd founders

In 2015, we set out to create a product that empowered flexible work. As the rise of remote work and the gig economy made its way into the landscape, we met this challenge head-on with innovative solutions.

First, this was OfficeRnD Flex, a complete management platform for coworking and flex spaces. Then came OfficeRnD Hybrid, a product that enables teams and organizations to adopt and thrive in hybrid work models.

At this time, we’ve grown to over 1200+ customers worldwide who trust us to deliver cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer service to power their businesses.

And, we aren’t done yet.

Today’s announcement of our partnership with Blue Star Innovation Partners (BSIP), a growth equity firm that specializes in scaling vertically-focused software businesses, is a testament to OfficeRnD’s remarkable journey, as well as our vision, product offering, and market position.

This investment will propel our mission forward and allow us to continue to transform the coworking and hybrid work industries.

BSIP’s partnership is a vital part of our long-term strategy. It will fuel our expansion plans and allow us to introduce groundbreaking features, enhancing our platform capabilities in OfficeRnD Flex and OfficeRnD Hybrid.

As the demand for coworking and flexible workspace solutions continues to surge, OfficeRnD is poised to lead the way to shaping the industry’s future.

officernd leadership team

As we embark on this exciting new phase of growth, we want to extend heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to our journey.

First and foremost, we thank our talented team of dedicated individuals whose hard work and innovation have brought us to this point. Their unwavering commitment to excellence has been the driving force behind our success.

We also express our deep appreciation to our customers, who have placed their trust in OfficeRnD’s solutions. Your feedback and support have been invaluable in shaping our platform and vision for the future.

The future of work is flexible, and OfficeRnD is proud to be at the forefront of this movement. Together, with our team, customers, and partners, we are excited to embrace this new chapter in our journey and look forward to what lies ahead.

Our annual event FlexWorld Series is just around the corner. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey to revolutionize collaboration in coworking spaces. We bring together top-notch industry experts, influential thought leaders, and brightest minds to explore the boundless possibilities for this industry. Join us on Nov 1st!

Miro Miroslavov
CEO and Co-founder of OfficeRnD
Miro Miroslavov is a software engineer turned into a tech entrepreneur. In 2015 he co-founded OfficeRnD - a leading flex space and hybrid work management platform. As a CEO at OfficeRnD, he grew the company from inception to a leading software vendor that serves thousands of customers worldwide. He is a big fan of flexible working and is on a mission to "Making Flexible Working the Way of Working".