Getting more leads, increasing memberships, and boosting revenue are all the top priorities for pretty much any coworking space.

And in order to achieve them, you need to consider each stage of your customer journey — from the moment people first learn about your space, to their decision to book a tour and become members.

Every step of the journey is critical because it can either push customers forward or cause them to drop off. That’s why, in this article, we’ll show you 6 proven ways to accelerate your coworking sales pipeline, based on each stage of a customer’s journey.

flex start up

#1 Speed Up Lead Generation With Aggregation and Marketplace Websites

This first tip is about targeting people who are already looking for a space like yours. Because their intent is high, selling to these customers is usually much faster and easier, provided they can find your business.

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are two of the most popular ways to do this. They both utilize the power of search engines, although SEM relies on paid search ads, while SEO is about creating content that ranks organically when people type in “coworking space in country/city/area] and other similar queries. SEO can also help you pre-sell your space.

woman in front of a computer

But while SEO and SEM are both popular tactics for capturing high-intent leads, they’re not the only ones. In fact, aggregation and marketplace websites can often produce great results much faster than SEO and cheaper than SEM.

These websites help people find a coworking space for their needs based on criteria like location, price, availability, and more. Here are some of the most popular aggregation and marketplace websites that you can try to get listed on:

Note: OfficeRnD Flex is integrated with LiquidSpace and Tally. As a result, when someone books a resource in your space, it automatically gets reserved in your system, so you don’t need to worry about overlapping bookings.

#2 Make Booking a Tour as Easy as Possible

Before people decide to become members of your space, they usually want to see it in person. That’s why it’s essential to provide them with an easy way to book a tour.

forge tour

For example, Forge — a coworking space in Birmingham — lets leads quickly book a tour directly by clicking on the “Schedule Tour” button and reserving a convenient tour slot using Calendly. 

Having such a simple tour automation system can drastically improve the customer experience, as well as your overall tour rates.

#3 Use a Tour Flow That Converts

In order to convert tour leads into paying customers, you’ll need to understand what they need. For example, some might be looking for an open space, while others — for a private office with lots of meeting rooms.

a computer close up

Gathering this information in advance will help you build a tour flow that matches your prospect’s unique needs with the workspace amenities that fit them. 

Note: Remember that you’re not just selling a physical space — you’re selling your community and the extra services that go along with it. Make sure to mention these benefits during your tour.

Additionally, key stats like office availability, square footage, meeting room, and office rates are always good to have on hand during a tour. You can memorize them or write down a cheat sheet to quickly answer prospects’ questions.

Lastly, consider creating a brochure, or a take-home pamphlet with a clear call to action to get signed up for a membership. Some of the most notable coworking spaces in the USA do that with success. 

#4 Create a Follow-Up Sequence for Prospects Who Don’t Convert Right Away

Even after a great tour, some people just won’t convert immediately. It’s important to capture these prospects’ information during the tour, so you can nurture them and turn them into customers when the time is right.

For example, in order to book a tour, people will likely have to provide an email. You can use that to create follow-up sequences with relevant information like discounts or interesting events in your space. There are tons of email marketing tools that can help you get started, like Hubspot, Mailchimp, or Moosend.

These tools also help you in measuring the most important coworking space KPIs.

#5 Use Trial Days and Discounts to Get Prospects in Your Space

Trial days and discounts are both easy ways to convert prospects who are on the fence. For example, you can give a free day at your space to prospects who you think have a high chance of becoming long-term customers.

On that, you can use OfficeRnD Flex to generate a promo code and let non-members book resources to test out your space. 

officernd flex booking

The process is simple — just name the code, choose which resource it applies to, set the discount (i.e., percentage or dollar amount), and decide how long it’s valid for and how many people can use it. Prospects can then use that code to book resources at a discounted rate.

#6 Remove Friction from the Conversion Process With One-Time Contracts and E-sign

Any friction in the last step of the conversion journey can result in drop-offs and lost revenue. That’s why it’s your job to ensure prospects can become members as smoothly as possible.

Here’s how OfficeRnD Flex can help you do that:

  • First, you can use different contract types, depending on your customer’s needs. These include Membership Agreements, License Agreements, Lease Agreements, and Quotes (for one-off payments).
  • Second, once a customer receives their contract, they can review it, and sign it entirely online, thanks to our direct integration with DropboxSign. This makes the whole process incredibly simple by removing the need to scan contracts or send pictures back and forth. Once the contract is signed, the charge is applied and the invoice will automatically be added to the customer’s account.

If you want to learn more about how OfficeRnD Flex can help you accelerate your coworking space sales pipeline, book a free demo with our team.

Asen Stoyanchev
Content Marketing Specialist | OfficeRnD
Asen is passionate about hybrid work and the future of work. He firmly believes that work flexibility directly impacts one's health and well-being. When he's not writing, Asen spends his time devouring business literature, hiking, and parenting.