Hybrid work statistics tell us that the traditional workplace is evolving. Fewer workers are reporting to the same workplace five days a week. 

Instead, many companies are moving toward hybrid work, in which part of the week is spent in the office, and the rest is spent at a remote location — usually the employee’s home. 

In the wake of these changes, there are some pressing questions about what hybrid work means for the future of work in general:

  • What factors are fueling this trend
  • How many companies currently use a hybrid workplace model? 
  • Are employees productive in a hybrid work environment? 
  • Do companies find hybrid workplaces efficient? 
  • Will hybrid work models continue to change the way we work in the future? 

Fortunately, hybrid work statistics give us insights into all of these questions — and more.

Read on to learn about the future of the office.

Are Companies Currently Using A Hybrid Work Model?

Yes, many companies are currently using the hybrid work model to cut costs and increase productivity

hybrid work model trend graph

Since the dawn of the computer age, telecommuting — working from home instead of in an office — has been a topic of conversation. And this type of environment — the hybrid work environment — has become more and more prevalent in recent years, thanks to the creation of tools for remote communications.

Hybrid work can’t happen without the support and planning from employers, 51% of whom support it. In a 2021 survey, 29% of workers between the ages of 30 and 49 reported doing hybrid work. Slightly lower percentages of younger and older workers reported the same. 

A McKinsey survey conducted in the spring of 2022 reported that 35% of workers work from home full-time, and 23% work from home part-time.

However, not all workers prefer the hybrid model. Those in the 55–64 age group, for instance, are less likely to take advantage of hybrid work than younger workers.

In the McKinsey survey mentioned above, 19% of the older group had passed on the opportunity to work remotely part-time, compared to 13% of the younger worker group.

Seventeen percent of lower-income workers (those earning $25,000–$74,999 annually) passed up offers to work remotely, compared to only 10% of higher earners (those making $75,000 per year or more).

Key Takeaways

  • More than one-quarter of all workers work in a hybrid environment.
  • Half of the employers support hybrid work.
  • Over half of workers report having the option to work remotely, at least part-time.
  • Younger workers prefer hybrid work more than older workers.

Do People Prefer Hybrid Work?


When we study hybrid work statistics, we find that a majority of workers prefer the hybrid work environment over the traditional office model. 

working from home mother and son

A survey by consulting firm Accenture found that 83% of respondents reported the ideal working environment to be a hybrid workplace model. If offered the opportunity to work flexibly, 87% reported that they would take the opportunity.

Workers enjoy hybrid work so much that 59% report being more likely to choose an employer that offers remote work opportunities than one that doesn’t. Flexible work options rank only third (21%), behind pay (47%) and career opportunities (27%), in major job preference factors.

The McKinsey survey discussed above found that the average hybrid worker worked remotely 3.3 days per week. This aligns closely with a report by DropDesk, which found that 55% of employees prefer to work remotely at least three days per week. 

The preference of some to continue working in the office at least part of the time probably comes from the opportunities for collaboration that working in an office ‌provides.

This plays out generationally. Seventy-four percent of Gen Z workers want more opportunities to collaborate face-to-face, compared to Gen X’ers (66%) and Baby Boomers (68%).

Key Takeaways

  • A clear majority would take a flexible work opportunity if offered.
  • Most of those seeking work would choose an employer that offers remote work.
  • Flexible work ranks number three in top job preference factors, behind higher pay and better career opportunities.
  • Over half of workers prefer working from a remote location at least three days per week.

What Do Workers Say About the Hybrid Work Environment?

The average worker spends at least 40 minutes per day commuting. Workers tell us that one of the biggest benefits of the hybrid work environment is that it reduces — and in some cases, eliminates — the need to commute. 

hybrid work commuting

Over 75% of workers say cost savings are important. Fortunately, hybrid work offers cost-cutting opportunities, such as lower insurance rates and lower vehicle repair costs. In some cases, it even eliminates the need to have a car at all. 

Owl Labs reports that hybrid workers save an average of $19.11 daily, and over one-third of hybrid workers report saving around $5,000 per year by not commuting to the office each day. 

Saving time and money aren’t the only benefits of hybrid work. Eighty-one percent of workers report being less stressed when they work remotely, and 79% report experiencing improved mental health. 

Achieving a good work-life balance is also difficult when one has to commute to an office daily. When asked, 71% of workers in a hybrid work environment reported a work-life balance improvement.

So a hybrid work environment means less time spent commuting, money saved, and better mental health. Sixty-seven percent of workers added another important point about hybrid work: their productivity increased.

Key Takeaways

  • Workers report savings of almost $20 per day when working from home.
  • A large majority report less stress and better mental health, which results in low levels of burnout.
  • Two-thirds report higher productivity in a hybrid work environment.

What Do Hybrid Work Statistics Tell Us About Effectiveness?

In looking at hybrid work statistics, we find that the hybrid work model increases productivity as long as adequate software tools are available. 

For instance, OfficeRnD Hybrid is such software. Watch the short video below to get the gist of it.

Among those who work remotely at least part-time, 77% report improved productivity. Thirty percent accomplish more work in less time, and 24% accomplish the same amount of work in less time. In total, over three-quarters of employees feel they are more productive when working from home. 

The hybrid work model is helping businesses be more effective. Among high-growth businesses, almost two-thirds use some form of a hybrid work model. Sixty-nine percent of negative-growth or no-growth companies prefer to have employees in the office full-time.  

woman working from home

Hybrid work models save businesses money. Employers report savings of $11,000 each year for each hybrid employee. 

More workers employed in a hybrid work environment also translates to less office space needed. Companies that have implemented a hybrid work model report having reduced their workspace costs by as much as 40%

Employee turnover is a major cost due to lost experience, the costs of onboarding, and lower productivity in new employees who are still learning the ropes. Companies that use a hybrid work model reduce their employee turnover by 12%. 

Key Takeaways

  • A clear majority of hybrid workers report improved productivity.
  • Most high-growth businesses use hybrid work models, while negative- and no-growth businesses prefer the traditional office.
  • Companies save $11,000 per year per employee in a hybrid environment.
  • A hybrid environment reduces workspace needs by 40% and employee turnover by 12%.

Is Hybrid Work Here to Stay?

Hybrid work appears to be here to stay. When asked, 86% of employers responded that they are creating plans to implement a hybrid work model into their businesses. Sixty-eight percent of high-level executives plan to implement some type of hybrid environment soon. 

man working from home

At the same time, fewer than 20% of managers want to return to the same work environment they had prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Employers’ enthusiasm for hybrid work should be encouraging to employees. Replacing workers is expensive and time-consuming, and it also lowers productivity. 

Reducing turnover is a major factor in a business’s success, and hybrid work can help. Seventy-four percent of workers reveal that they would be less likely to quit a job if they worked from home. 

Employees and employers largely agree on how many days per week workers should be in the office. Three days a week in the office is the office/remote work balance preferred by 55% of workers.

Among employers, that three-day preference is 29%, with 62% wanting their employees to work between two and four days in the office.

Over 82% of workers surveyed cited flexible or hybrid work arrangements as important to their job satisfaction. However, employers also need to keep other factors in mind if they are to implement a hybrid work model into their businesses. 

If remote workers received less compensation than office workers, 83% of employees say they would leave their current job.

Fortunately, however, that doesn’t seem to be a major concern, as 97% of employers say they would not change their remote workers’ compensation just because they work outside of the office. 

Most workers take pride in their work and want to learn as much as they can while in their respective positions.

When workers who were either working remotely or wanted to work remotely were asked about this, 94% stated they would remain with their respective organizations longer if their employer allowed for ongoing learning opportunities. 

Key Takeaways

  • A clear majority of employers favor a hybrid work model.
  • Most employees and employers prefer a three-day-per-week remote working environment.
  • Few managers want to return to the same office setup that they had before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Employees and employers agree that wages should not be reduced for remote workers. 

Elevate Your Workplace With OfficeRnD Hybrid

A slow migration toward a hybrid work environment began before the COVID-19 pandemic, and the pandemic itself led to wider adoption of this new hybrid work model. Most workers and executives now prefer a hybrid work model. 

Workers typically prefer to go into the office between two and four days per week. This varies with age, however, with younger Gen Z’ers preferring to work from home no more than one day per week. Gen X and Baby Boomers, however, are satisfied with fewer days spent in the office.

As an employer possibly looking to shift toward a hybrid work environment, your task begins with finding and adopting the right hybrid work software.

Make the first step toward a hybrid workplace today. Start for free with OfficeRnD Hybrid to find all the tools you’ll need to create and manage a thriving hybrid workplace.

From simple hot desking and meeting room scheduling to complex workplace management, OfficeRnD Hybrid provides everything you need to become a high-growth business in a flexible work era.


How Many People Want to Do Hybrid Work?

According to a survey conducted by weforum.org, 68% of workers favor a hybrid work environment.

What Is the Impact of the Hybrid Workplace?

The benefits of remote and hybrid working include improved well-being, greater productivity and work satisfaction, and a better work-life balance. For employers, the hybrid work model reduces office and real estate costs.

Why Do Employees Prefer Hybrid Work?

Employees prefer the hybrid work model because a flexible work environment improves employees’ satisfaction in their respective jobs as well as their work-life balance.

Is Hybrid Work More Environmentally Sustainable?

Yes. The hybrid work model reduces the need for workers to commute, helping companies cut down on their carbon footprint.

What are the statistics on the hybrid work model in 2023?

According to a report published by Gallup in February 2023, 52% of employees were working in a hybrid model, and 54% expected hybrid working in the future.

Another report by Zippia published in 2023 found that 74% of U.S. companies are using or plan to implement a permanent hybrid work model, and 44% of U.S. employees prefer a hybrid work model, compared to 51% of employers.

How many employees prefer hybrid working?

According to a survey conducted by Gallup in February 2023, six in ten remote-capable employees (60%) prefer some degree of remote-work flexibility going forward, and specifically, six in ten prefer hybrid work.

How effective is a hybrid workplace?

According to various studies and surveys, hybrid workplaces can be highly effective when implemented correctly.

A report by McKinsey & Company found that 88% of organizations reported that their employees were as or more productive working remotely during the pandemic, and 68% of those surveyed believed that remote work will be more effective than or as effective as working on-site in the long term.

Are people happier working hybrid?

Yes, studies indicate that people are happier working in a hybrid model in 2023. An early 2022 Owl Labs study found that remote and hybrid employees were 22% happier and stayed in their jobs longer than workers in an all-office model.

Miro Miroslavov
CEO and Co-founder of OfficeRnD
Miro Miroslavov is a software engineer turned into a tech entrepreneur. In 2015 he co-founded OfficeRnD - a leading flex space and hybrid work management platform. As a CEO at OfficeRnD, he grew the company from inception to a leading software vendor that serves thousands of customers worldwide. He is a big fan of flexible working and is on a mission to "Making Flexible Working the Way of Working".