Desk Booking in Microsoft Office 365

Get your hybrid workplace, fully integrated with Microsoft 365 – Azure AD, Teams, and Outlook.
  • Desk booking in Microsoft Teams

    OfficeRnD Hybrid enables employees to easily book desks and schedule meeting rooms directly from Microsoft Teams. Furthermore, employees will be able to schedule their personal office visits or coordinate to book spaces in the offices. Our smart scheduling page will streamline the process tremendously.

  • Sync Meeting Room Bookings with Outlook

    OfficeRnD Hybrid comes with an easy-to-use, yet advanced conference booking system that will allow your employees to book on any device! No matter where you make the booking, it will sync nicely with Outlook. Vice versa, all bookings coming from our Outlook add-in or placed directly will sync both ways.

  • Streamline SSO and Sync with Azure AD

    Our Microsoft Office 365 integration is designed to make it easy to connect with Microsoft Azure Active Directory and sync the necessary employee information so you don’t have to double input it. This way, you can allow employees to authenticate using AD SSO so that they can get started booking spaces securely.

Integration overview

OfficeRnD Hybrid is a complete hybrid work management software that enables employees to easily book desks and rooms directly from Microsoft Teams or Outlook. An interactive visual plan is enabled in Teams to make the booking experience intuitive and seamless. In addition, employees can see and manage their bookings without leaving Teams.

Employees can also use the Teams integration to see who has booked resources in the office on certain days. They can easily search by name to see where their colleague is sitting so that they can book a desk close to them.

The Microsoft Office 365 integration is designed to make it easy for employees to connect with Active Directory and authenticate their accounts so that they can get started booking desks quickly.

OfficeRnD Hybrid can be accessed by employees through the Teams desktop application as well as on the web, or on a mobile phone.

What is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365) is the productivity cloud designed to help each of us achieve what matters, in our work and life, with best-in-class Office apps, intelligent cloud services, and advanced security. Some of the most popular Microsoft 365 tools include Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office, and more.

About OfficeRnD Hybrid

The OfficeRnD Hybrid work software is an integrated workplace management system of the future. It features an advanced space management solution, desk booking system, conference room booking system, reception app, and a wide range of workplace experience mobile apps. Using OfficeRnD Hybrid, you can easily transition to a hybrid work model and significantly increase your employee engagement. Read more about OfficeRnD Hybrid here.

Didn’t find the integration you’re looking for?

No worries, we have an open API you can use to develop one yourself. You can check it out here.

Stuck with the integration?

If you have any questions regarding the integration between OfficeRnD and Capsule, please check the setup guide or contact Support with any questions you have.

Ready to give us a try?

We’d love to show you how to simplify the desk booking and meeting room scheduling directly from Microsoft Teams and help you manage hybrid work.